this week was the happiest day of my life.....he pamper me, cherish me 24/7...all that i want he will try to find and get it....whether is hard or not but at least he try 4 me...felt so hepy at that time...just like we live in this world only both of first he just send me 2 work n fetch me right after that..then its became his everyday routine,........and if i on leave he will accompany me n we go for a walk.........
but it was not always the same..he is about 2 leave me 2 go 2 china with his friend....i don't know how will make me feel so lonely and sad at the same time.....cos he just lighten up my life then gone for a while..not fair enough 4 me, u know?
just after he gone,...i felt an emptiness in my heart felt like it has been taking away from me...felt like a hole inside me...its take 4 a while 4 me 2 stabilize to u about the feeling...from the bottom of my heart...after he left just keep on silent 4 a while,,,
but tonight, allah hear my voic e and prayer...he just call b4 this...feel so hepy and also sad...myb the tear is a tear of joy 4 the time being...thank u syg sbb bertnyakn kbar...alhmdulillah...everything unsuspected has happen..just like we don't hve any thing that plan 2 happen...miss u darling...
hmmm, can say my heart out during this raya bcos im all alone...have 2 celebrate it without my parent and all my family....i cannot describe my feeling cos i just cannot cry or even share my feeling. All i can say is my heart is left at my hometown its goes along with my feel there..
but, fortunately he is here 2 accompany i did not feel a so lonely no more...tomorrow i will accompany him all day long until raya...bcos i dont want 2 felt sad ..this is my first time u know.....just cannot describe... just called my mom she say all are at kampung except for me n k ida....i have 2 move onbe more mature now...not all thing i can do with the present of my parent now....
i can say that these few day was very challenging 4 me.......he has beyond boundaries that i never see the other side of him.....hes really caring, n concern...can see when i went 2 accompany him during his work day....then when i want 2 go back he keep on hold me bcos dont want me 2 go back so early....then when i want 2 go back home he accompany me until was so nice...bcos i fell comfort n i can feel that he didn't want me 2 go home....after that he keep on tracking me where am i bcos he was worried about me...he just stop when i has arrive at home...until then he say that im safe at home so dont have 2 worry sweet right???
same as i want 2 go back here yesterday bcos he keep on asking where am i...i dont know y..but actually he just want 2 go back 2 s alam 2gether...i was so hepy bcos have the opportunity 2 spend time with him on was a rare opportunity, u know?....he keep on smiling n talking regarding himself n other thing..i can see that he was so hepy ....he totally has change n become different n look more shining...hehehehe...
he keep on saying that he so hepy now bcos he is not alone anymore cos he got me now....his life bcome more merrier n his life also n bcome meaningful also....
aku tak tahu apa yang ku rasakan
dalam hatiku saat pertama kali
lihat dirimu, melihatmu seluruh tubuhku terpaku dan membisu
detak jantungku berdebar tak menentu
sepertinya aku tak ingin berlalu
berikan cintamu juga sayangmu
percaya padaku ku kan menjagamu
hingga waktu menjemputku
ku berikan cintaku juga sayangku
percaya padaku ku kan menjagamu
hingga waktu menjemputku
saat ku tahu kau akan pergi jauh
izinkan aku tuk selalu menantimu
untuk katakan ku ingin dirimu (ingin dirimu)
agar kau tahu betapa ku terlalu
mencintaimu aku akan menunggu
hingga dirimu kembali untukku
tolonglah aku bagaimana diriku
ungkapkan itu rasa yang membelenggu
dalam hatiku ku cinta padamu
berikan cintamu juga sayangmu
percaya padaku ku kan menjagamu
hingga waktu menjemputku
p/s: syg ku harap kau mngerti perasaan ku ini...percayalah padaku seikhlasnya.....
Lately im feeling kind of mixed up with my decision that i done right now??........whether this is the right job for me?..or not...sometimes im kind of stress n give up when doing the training....kinda lost actually.....i want something else 4 my life but not all come in my way.....
sometimes feel that it will be easy as if some1 can lead me the way so that i can strike back again about what i want in this life...with what had happen in my life it feel that i just dont want it 2 happen gain in future....the pain is so deep.... in future, i just wanna have a simple life n a good work that i enjoy every second n minute i work there....i want it but y must the road is so hard 2 achieve....every path that i made or cross into is so hard to believe.....oh god,..plez show me the way...insyaallah i will have the sign n way 2 make me go through this life...amin...
Menunggu sesuatu yang sangat menyebalkan bagiku
saat ku harus bersabar dan trus bersabar
menantikan kehadiran dirimu
entah sampai kapan aku harus menunggu
sesuatu yang sangat sulit tuk kujalani
hidup dalam kesendirian sepi tanpamu
kadang kuberpikir cari penggantimu
saat kau jauh disana
Gelisah sesaat saja tiada kabarmu kucuriga
entah penantianku takkan sia-sia
dan berikan satu jawaban pasti
entah sampai kapan aku harus bertahan
saat kau jauh disana rasa cemburu
merasuk kedalam pikiranku melayang
tak tentu arah tentang dirimu
apakah sama yang kau rasakan
walau raga kita terpisah jauh
namun hati kita selalu dekat
bila kau rindu pejamkan matamu
dan rasakan a a a aku
kekuatan cinta kita takkan pernah rapuh
terhapus ruang dan waktu
percayakan kesetiaan ini
akan tulus a a ai aishiteru
hapus sendiri pikiran melayang terbang
perasaan resah gelisah
jalani kenyataan hidup tanpa gairah
banyak segala misi dan ambisimu
akhiri semuanya cukup sampai disini
dan buktikan pengorbanan cintamu untukku
kumohon kau kembali
ntah np aq rindukn sgt umah.....mmg agak lame gak la xblik kt umah..n bile taw adik blik aq jd meronta2 gak n blik or terbang gak k sane.....rindu kt dorg sbnrnye....need attention actually!!!!!!!!!!
duk kt sini pon sorg2 je....yg d kawan2 yg kerja lbh krng je la...sbb kje yg xkire mse n weekday or weekend ni susa sket nk jngka........nk2 skrg ni ngah training...lg la xleh nk kate pe......jdula siap da siap smpai blan ogos ni...ter lalu pack....xleh nk squezee lngsung la.......
pat relax pon cme sehari je kt umah.....nk kuar g mne2 jd cm mlas sgt sbb bkn selalu pat duk umah lme2...hehehe..lwak kn tp 2 la hakikatnye....mse 2 aq siap la msg mk ari2 sbb xleh nk than rse ati ni yg menanggung laen leh la ulang alik.........nk cri kje yg dkat sket pon susa...myb mmg rezeki aq d kt sini kot.......2 yg susa sgt nk cri pluang kt tmpt laen....adakah dsbbkan bnde ni??????????/...argghh, jd xkeruan aq dwatnye taw........
ngan kje yg xtentu...jap ok n not...nk padatkn smua yg aq bljar then n kne evaluate so soon..rse sgt yg mse sgt cmburukn aq mse ni.....bnci,...tensen pon d......xtaw da mne nk ltak ag......smua persoalan d bermain d minda aq ni....senak jdnye bile dy dtg serentak taw.....wat serabut je...
Dont know how 2 describe....but i feel kinda lonely these day myb bcos he keep on silent 4 almost 2 days....i was thinking 2 myself whether i do wrong? is it about what im saying...and so on......all kind of thing was on my mind at the first place...........i wanna smile all day long but my heart feel the am i going to throw away all these feeling???????
plez,..let me know...dont keep on silent at bored 2 be taken care as a if i cannot do anything on my own....damn, i hate that!!!!....
could u just give me a sign that i can understand that u want me or i will not wasting my time waitin..n waitin.......feel kinda stupid u know.....hate this feeling...
kau dan aku bkn insan yg same...n mgkin sbb 2lah smua rse n gerak ati xseiring...selalu saje berlaku percanggahan...makin lame mndalami mkin jauh rsenye...terlalu byk perbezaan yg xmgkin dpat tok d atasi...
ntah knpe persoalan ni leh mncul lam hati aku ni?????......hruskah aku mngikut seh=gala tlunjuknye???...ataw aq buat shaja ikut gerak ati aq ni...agar smuanye berjlan ngan lncar tnpa d sesape yg nk arahkan sesuatu ataw larang,,,
msh d lg sorg yg mnagih jnji stlah sekian lama????? aq mmg xleh nk terima dy lg dlam hdup aq ni....bkn aq pntingkan dri sndri tp aq mmg da xleh nk sorok lg perasaan ini.....yg aq mmg da xsuke lg pdnye...yg teramat sgt..rsenye cam xberbaloi sgala pngorbanan n pe yg aq buang or tinggalkan semata2 tok hdup ngan dy sia2kan sgala harapan yg tlh aq berikan pdnye...dy tlh mmadamkan smua rse n mcm sia2 pe yg tlah aq berikan pdnye slama ini....
aq berhrap agar kau...insan yg baru dtg n bertakhta lam ati aq ni xkan mmwat bnde yg nmpaknye hdup aq xlari der mndpat cubaan n dugaan yg leh mncbar ksabaran aq lg...sesungguhnye aq da xkuat ag nk hdapinye berulang kali lagi....cukup la sekali pngalaman itu..
kini, kau yg ku kenal jauh berbeza......kdang2 sgt caring n take care..smua bnde dy nk taw...kdang kala rse cm berckap sndri pon d..sbb xd respon dr penah skali aq xmsg dy yg aq da smpai umah...trus je col n mrah..sbb xbgtaw dy...katenye aq nu milik dy...n dy berhak taw pe yg aq wat n at least bgtaw kt dy..xd la dy risau...katenye dy cume d aq dy xnk aq pergi dr so sweetkn?????...kdang2 aq jd confius gak ngan sikap dy...d pasang surutnye la...jap dy akan mnrut sgala perintah n pe yg aq nak..kdang2 dy wat xtaw je...
mgkin dy yg terbaek tok aq..walaupon kne bersabar sekurang2nye dy amek berat pasal keperluan aq..xd la aq ni dbiarkan je....mean dy syg la kt aq kan???????
don't know y but my heart feel hurt...bile kiteorg bersame rse cm d connection je..rse dunia kmi yg pnye...walaupon kdangkala ade rmai mata yg memandang k arah xtaw samade pe yg aq rse ni ptut or x? aq xtaw r pe pndgan org trhdap kami...
rse sedih n pilu bile dekat dy amek perhatian n caring sgt tp bile da jauh kdng2 dy xamek peduli..agaknye mmg cm2 la perangai golongan adam ni bile mncecah umur 30 an???...confius dwatnye...samade dy ni betul2 seyes k x??..ataw pe ???....adakah aq ni sbg sandaran shja.....bile dy perlu dy akan cri n then dtinggalkan je....
selalu aq merase bgini ksong je...cthnye cm smlm ....dy lyan aq 1 ari sbb rse berslah tbe2 je d job yg dtg..snggup dy meredah jem n teman aq...then kne teman dy plak sbb xlrat nk blik kul 12.....pas2 anta aq n then jnji akan col tp hram xd pon smpai la k saat ini...bile aq tnye pndgan org msti dorg akan ckp sabar la...dy xpe2 2...cme bz ngan kje dy je...smuanye jwpan nk sdap kn ati..???..YA ALLAH..kau kuatkan la iman n hati hambamu ini..sekiranye dy bnar2 jodoh yg kau utuskn kpdku...kau dekatkan la hatiku kpdnya..n buangkan la sgala keraguan yg d di dlam hatiku ini ya allah..kerna hmbamu ini insan yg lbh...n mudah terbuai ngan emosi sndri...amin....
P/s: this is my new creation of idea.....if like it u can just let me know....its nice 2 wear...n so simple if u want 2 wear it on any occasion....:)..
Dont Know y why heart feel lonely 4 a while cos i know that u will be far away from me..with out any connection it make me feel lost 4 a while......its hard 2 breathe..n feel so weak inside me....plez dont leave me alone in this word...
It's nice feeling when you know that someone loves you, someone misses you, someone needs you, but it feels much better when you know that someone never forgets you.
Nobody's right till sumbody's wrong. Nobody's weak till sumbody's strong. Nobody's lucky till luv comes along. Nobody's lonely till sumbody's gone. Missing U!
Men like to be logical. Women like to share and talk even if there is no point in their sharing and talking. Men need to have an objective. They need to see the point in doing something. They can't share for the sake of sharing.
Men tend to do one thing at a time. Women do many things at a time. Men have a tunnel vision. 95% of their attention is focused on just one thing and 5% on checking of the environment. Women are just the opposite. They are continuously taking in everything that there is in the environment whether it is useful or not.
Men have their own caves on which the sign states "Please do not disturb." Men like to retreat into their own world where they feel they are in control. Women also have caves but the sign on their caves is "I need to talk". When a man asks a woman what's wrong and she says "Nothing" it really means "Nothing, unless you care to listen and give me an opportunity to talk."
90% of women go into therapy because they want to be listened to. They want to be asked questions. They want to feel special. Men hate to be questioned. If men want to talk they'll talk. If they don't want to talk they won't. When a man is locked in his cave, the woman thinks that something is wrong with him and goes in and asks questions. This is a wrong move for the woman to make. Men hate to be interrogated.
Men want to forget the problems of the day. Women want to remember. A man will say "Forget it, it's no big deal." For a woman she will not rest till the problem is talked about. Her response to the man, who wants to just forget about it and not make a big deal out of it, will be "How can you be so insensitive."
Men should never tell a woman how she should feel. In fact if she is unhappy, the man needs to be unhappy with her for a while instead of offering advice.
If the man is at a loss for saying anything when the woman is feeling bad then instead of offering advice he could build her up a bit by saying "I know how much you work during the day to make the kids and myself feel happy. It must be very exhausting." Her unconscious response would be "He understands." The woman craves for understanding.
Women make noises to get attention. Men make noises to signal "Please leave me alone."
To cope with stress, sometimes, women while speaking tend to speak in long sentences and then pause. Men think that the pause is a signal for saying something. Wrong. For the woman the pause is just a semi-colon. Men need to restrain themselves in giving advice.
Forgiveness is the key. If someone hurts then one needn't hurt back. As Gandhi said, An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
I'm callin' U
With all my goals, my very soul
Ain't fallin' through
I'm in need of U
The trust in my faith
My tears and my ways is drowning so
I cannot always show it
But don't doubt my love
I'm callin' U
With all my time and all my fights
In search for the truth
Tryin'a reach U
See the worth of my sweat
My house and my bed
Am lost in sleep
I will not be false in who I am
As long as I breathe
Oh, no, no
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
My One & Only
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
all I need in my life
I'm callin' U
When all my joy
And all my love is feelin' good
Cuz it's due to U
See the time of my life
My days and my nights
so it's alright
Cuz at the end of the day
I still got enough for me and my
I'm callin' U
When all my keys
And all my bizz
Runs all so smooth
I'm thankin' U
See the halves in my life
My patience, my wife
With all that I know
Oh, take no more than I deserve
Still need to learn more
Oh, no, no
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
My One & Only
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
all I need in my life
Our relationship, so complex
Found U while I was headed straight for hell in quest
You have no one to compare to
'Cause when I lie to myself it ain't hidden from U
I guess I'm thankful
Word on the street is U changed me
It shows in my behaviour
Past present future
Lay it all out
Found my call in your house
And let the whole world know what this love is about
I love you, I miss you, I forget you
Even though you never let me down and always are by my side
For all the times I've failed and hurt you deeply
Better later than never to give you a 1000 apologies
I'm shouting silently, callin' you, I'm listening to you, I'm tryin'
You nourish me
When the air that I breathe is violent and turbulent
I'm forgettin' you, I'm callin' you, I'm feelin' you
Oh, no, no
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
My One & Only
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U...
oh, no, no
i don't need nobody
& i don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but you
MY one and only
I don't need nobody
& i don't fear nobody
I don't nobody but you
all i need in my life
kadang2 perasaan byk menipu kite..dtambah pula ngan emosi yg mnyokong smuanye..kite leh jd keliru ngan segalanye..walaupon pd mulanye kite xpasti ngan pe yg berlaku..akal kite menolak smua negative impression yg kite emosi mengatasi segalanye..
perasaan syg yg timbul pd mulenye leh d klasifikasikan lam byk aspek...syg pd kawan,.teman atau org yg kite rapat...syg 2 xsemestinye d cinta sekali kerna bezanye sgt jauh....kite leh jtuh cinta pd org jika perasaan n emosi kite menyatakan yg kasih syg kite tlah melampaui diri kita sendiri...bile kite selalu teringatkan dy n terasa sakit sgt bile dy wat sesuatu yg leh mnyebabkan kite terase...
sebenarnye lbh elok kalu kite rase syg pd diri kite dulu baru kite leh syg pd org laen supaya kite xkan mnyakiti diri kita sendri sbb kite syg pd diri xmungkin akan wat sesuatu yg bodoh..tol x?..
kite gak harus belajar tok redha terhdap sesuatu ketentuan yg tlh dberikan kpd kite...xkisah la samade bnde 2 yg kite harapkan or sebaliknye...sekiranye kita bole redha ngan pe sje yg kite hadapi or kesusahan yg kite alami nescaya kite akan gembira n rse bahagia d dlam ati....kerna kite tlah menerima qada' n qadar yg tlah dtentukan olehNya kpd kite selama mane kire hidup di dalam muka bumi ini...
telah byk yg aq alami n hadapi selama aq hidup d dunia ini..kdang2 aq jd lali ngan stiap dugaan yg aq tentang or alami kerna semuanye sama walaupon xsemuanye dr segi yg same tp aq redha kerna semua halangan n dugaan yg dtg tlah byk mngajar aq tok jd seorng yg tabah mnghadapi dugaan hidup n bagaimana tok mnyelesaikannye..walaupon kdang kala ianya dtg menimpa2 tp aq percaye d jalan pnyelesaian d setiap masalah yg dtg....
terima kasih Allah...kerna tlh mmberikan aq peluang tok mnghadapi liku2 yg berbeza n perjalanan hidup yg berduri tok aq mnjadi seorang insan yg berguna n tabah n sabar tok mnghadapi hidup yg tlah d tentukan olehMu ini...semoga aq ttap kental n tabah selalu...AMIN...
P/s..: thank u Allah..4 given me the chance 2 breath in this world..:)..
Just don't know how 2 describe the pain that im feeling right just awful when i thinking about him......ya allah,..plez just throw all the pain that im in right come deep from my heart that say it is not a good sign if i keep on thinking right now.......god know what he was doing over there....
is this a good sign 4 our relationship or a bad 1?...plez just give a sign...i dont want the same thing ever happen again in my life...just cannot go with it 4 the second time...i feel the sorrow every time i think of what he do to me b4 this...its hurt u know..?
if we carry on with the relationship...will it last 4ever or 1 year or a day....?...i just dont want 2 wait 4 if i dont mind about my age or so on...just want my life be back it use hepy without any worries...not feeling down all of a sudden...feel terrible right now...plez give me a sign....:(
malam hadirmu memberi ketenangan merehatkan sekujur tubuh kepenatan menanti untuk hari esok
malam gelapmu diterangi cahaya sang bintang dan bulan sepimu ditemani sang cengkerik mendamaikan dikala sendirian
malam aku terlena dibuai mimpi indah asyik dan nikmatnya kesejukan dingin namun lupakah aku waktu inilah sepatutnya ku bangkit bangkit untuk mencari redha ILAHI bukannya terus hanyut bersama selimut nafsu
malam kini ku mengerti kenapa engkau hadir kerana esok siang pasti akan muncul hadirmu adalah satu anugerah anugerah dari Sang Penciptamu…
. Sayangi dia dengan hati, bukan dengan perasaan. Jika anda meletakkan sesuatu perhubungan berdasarkan perasaan, ianya akan gagal kerana perasaan sentiasa berubah dari masa ke semasa.
2. Sayangi dia seadanya. Di dunia terdapat hampir 6 billion manusia dengan 6 billion personaliti. Dia sememangnya seorang yang istimewa dan biarkan ianya kekal begitu. Jangan sesekali terfikir untuk mengubah apa-apa tentang dia kerana sekali anda mengubah, selamanya anda akan terus mengubah dirinya. Tentu anda masih ingat, anda terpikat padanya kerana dia adalah dia. Maka, tiada alasan untuk anda mengubah dia untuk menjadi seseorang yang lain.
3. Sayangi dia sepenuh hati. Sesungguhnya dia telah banyak bekorban untuk anda. Dengan kelebihan yang ada padanya, dia berpeluang untuk menjalin hubungan dengan seseorang yang lebih sempurna tapi demi cinta, dia telah memilih diri anda. Maka, jangan sesekali cuba untuk mempermain-mainkan keluhuran cintanya.
4. Hormati pendirian dan keputusan dia. Jangan anda merayu dan jangan mencipta alasan supaya dia menerima cinta anda kerana kelak, yang anda akan dapat darinya hanyalah cinta simpati dan bukannya cinta setulus hati.
5. Yakinkan diri anda akan keistimewaan dia. Dia adalah satu-satunya di dunia ini dan jangan mengharapkan kesempurnaan dari dia kerana dia telahpun cukup sempurna semenjak anda mula terpikat padanya.
6. Percaya akan dirinya. Sentiasa bersangka baik padanya jika kita juga mahukan sebegitu darinya. Pastikan anda akan sentiasa meletakkan diri anda di tempatnya sebelum melakukan apa-apa. Jika anda sendiri tidak dapat menerimanya, apatah lagi dia.
7. Jangan berjanji menyayangi dia untuk selama-lamanya kerana selama-lamanya bagi anda mungkin akan berakhir keesokkan harinya, tapi berjanjilah untuk menyayangi dirinya seolah-olah setiap hari itu adalah hari yang terakhir untuk anda berdua.
8. BERCINTA dengannya adalah seperti memberi hati anda kepadanya untuk dilukai tapi kepercayaan itu penting. Percayalah kepadanya, nescaya dia akan melindunginya sepenuh jiwa dan raga.
9. Jangan sesekali meninggalkan dia tanpa sebarang alasan. Dia bukan hanya akan setakat menangis kecewa dan kemudiannya meneruskan hidup seperti biasa, ketahuilah bahawa jiwanya akan mati secara perlahan.
10. Jangan cepat berbangga dengan diri anda, memenangi hatinya bukanlah satu kejayaan yang mutlak tetapi anugerah itu hanya layak anda perolehi setelah anda berjaya menyayanginya sehingga ke akhir hayat. Ketahuilah, dia memilih anda adalah kerana dia percaya bahawa anda adalah seorang yang jujur dan akan menepati janji. Anda telah bersusah payah dan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk memenangi cintanya, maka dengan itu haruslah juga anda berusaha untuk terus menyintai dirinya dengan apa jua keadaan sekalipun.
kadang2 aq rse dunia ni cam x adil susa sgt kalu kite nk rse bahagia....walaupon sekejap 2 suda memadai...susa sgt k nk senyum dengan ikhlas tnpe perlu ragu2 n fikir pasal bnde laen?...xtaw np ati ni rse cam terkilan ngan sikap dy sejak akhir2 ni..walhal pd mulanye aq gmbira nk jmpe laen plak jdnye..
mgkin bhgia bkan untuk ku...walau sejauh mne aq nk jangkau tp mgkin ianya tlah ditakdirkan tok aq...adakah aq tersilah pilih jalan? da jd putus asa bile stiap pe yg aq wat xselalunye btul n jd la susa sgt nk kecap bahagia walau sejengkal?...
dy kini kian mnyepi perlukan jawapan tok segala persoalan yg timbul skrg ni..siapa la aq dihati mu ini?....adakah dy tol2 untuk aq?...adakah dy tol2 ikhlas menyayangi aku??...walaupon byk kali dy ucapkan kata2 syg...adakah dy mksudkn smuanye itu? tol2 nk kan pnjelasan...cukup la penderitaan yg aq lalui xnk ulanginye lg...sakit ati ni n lukanye xsembuh ag...
Smlam aq bengang sgt ngan dy........byangkan la smpai je kt sane trus xd kabar berita...wisau gak kan dy wat xtaw aq ni tunggul lak....smlm aq lngsung xmsg dy then bru dy col....ckp yg dy da smpai klang n myb pasni nk shoot blik umah...mean xnk jmpe aq dlu la kan...fine, lyankan je walaupon sbnrnye aq terasa ngan pe yg dy wat...dy pon pat bace dr nada sore aq yg laen ...mean aq merajuk la...
tp dy ngan selamber nye cite je pe yg dy bengang ngan adik ipar dy..seolah2 xd pe2 yg berlaku antara aq ngan dy la dy ni lmbab sgt nk pick up pe mood aq???...
dy plak yg leh cite mslah dy kt ni plak jd pe...tol x?
lg la ygg watkan aq bertambah bengang suh la habaq kalu dy nk otw blik smpai ptg xd kabar langsung..da la smlam hujan lbat pon ringankan la tgan tok col dy....taw2 je aq lak yg kne sembur blik taw....trus down je mood aq..
aq k ptut dy leh nk ckp yg dy pning xd program skrg n xcukup wet nk salah aq je smua 2..then aq lak yg d lak yg kne pjuk dy blik...sengal la..mmg suck r smlm aq rse.....kje pon rse x tentu hala je mlm td taw...
ya allah ko kuatkan la semangat aq ni tok menempuhi hari2 yg mendatang bersamanya...amin...
Don't know y,..feel very mix up when got up this morning...many thing that come up my mind...just don't know what has happen or come up for 2day....ntah np leh lak jd worried about pe yg baba nk cube wat tok adik dy..hrap smuanye ok la..n leh setel la ngan agak musykil sbb baba pon ade gak ta xd contact pon pas blik kg..suke taw dy wat cm2...
sape la aQ???....geram pon ade gak taw..sbnrnye dy anggap aq ni sape la kan??....confius tol la aq dwatnye...
p/s: it make me wanna cry my heart out everytime u keep on silent n ignore me...plz don't do this 2 me...:(
yeah!!!..he's coming hepy u look like that my prays have been answer..xsangka lak yg pas bes kem 2 baba trus je nk dtg sini...leh lak kebetulan yg aq leh cuti mlm ni..leh la g mne2 ngan baba kalu dy x penat sgt la...kalu x mesti bowink je...rse sgt alone je taw...
look like my adrenalin has going up...which mean its a good thing...hehehehe xd la rse sunyi sgt this week sbb baba d temankan mlm2 ku yg selaunye bowink n hanye d keje je...xd yg laen...:)
p/s : i Miss u darling...gosh cam x percaye je..hikhik
ntah pape je fun zone @ extreme park td....walauponm aq ni suke join pe2 event tp event ts sgt x kurang la,....d byk kekurangan..d ala cuace panas gile..leh migrain la kalu lame sgt terdedah pd cahaya matahari taw.......
aq bru je bgun stil terase lam keadaan cmni aq msih gembira sbb cuti aq diluluskan...yeah!!!...leh la aq g jalan2 k or enjoy jap..dr kje je memanjang....leh sengal gak la otak aq jap..hahaha...